An important element of the advanced education within the IRTG will be the teaching of advanced topics. A series of different courses will be given to students to offer basic and advanced knowledge required for the research projects. Along, seminars and workshops will be organized.
Overall, the educational program consists of six elements, as follows:
on various topics, organized by a group of Germany and Korean faculty members. Students need to actively participate in 4 introductory and 2 advanced courses. The intention of these courses is to educate students in basic knowledge needed for research.
Time schedule: four times 1 day, twice 2,5 days
Introductory exercises and lab courses
into the work and skills of the research groups participating in the IRTG at the local university. It is their intention to improve cooperation within disciplines, to understand the expertise, but also the needs of other research groups at a very early stage during the PhD thesis. The students have to participate in at least 3 exercises.
Time schedule: three times 5 days
Seminars of the IRTG with foreign guests
They will be supplemented by seminars given jointly with GDCh, seminar series in MPI-P, seminars in macromolecular chemistry and SFB seminars.
Time schedule: every second week 2 hours during semester
Seminars organized by the PhD students,
in which they give presentations of new research results.
Time schedule: every second week 2 hours during semester
Bilateral-workshops, twice a year
Workshops will be held five days with foreign guests and participants from companies once per year in Germany and once per year in Korea. This workshop also incorporates presentations by company representatives to include applied aspects.
Time schedule: twice 5 days per year
Soft skill training
For the scholarship holders courses in Scientific writing (1 day), Oral presentation (2 -3 days, depending on the number of participants) and project management (2 days) will be offered each year. As instructors we will hire the same people, who give these courses within the International Max Planck Research School (see ยง8.8). In addition excursions to various companies will be offered to the scholarship holder.
Time schedule: 5