During the seminar many tutorial talks were held by Professors of different Universities with interdisciplinary topics concerning liquid crystals, optoelectronic devices, inorganic nanoparticles and spectroscopic characterization methods.
More information are available here.
In august 2013 the 8th German Korean Polymer Symposium 2013 (GKPS2013) was hosted by the University of Hamburg. The IRTG workshop took place in line with this conference.
The meeting focused on Polymer Research at the Interface to Life Science and Technology. 122 participants from all parts of Germany and South Korea could enjoy more than 40 lectures in different fields polymer sciences from bio inspired materials too polymer supported drug delivery up to polymers in optoelectronic applications a broad overview of state it the art polymer science was presented.
For further information see: http://www.chemie.uni-hamburg.de/gkps2013/
Chairs: Patrick Theato, Jürgen Rühe, Rudolf Zentel, Kwang-Sup Lee, Kookheon Char
Photo (from left to right): J. Rühe (Freiburg), Kwang-Sup Lee (Hannam, Korea, IRTG), P. Theato (Hamburg, former IRTG), R. Zentel (Mainz, IRTG)
Photo: All participants of GKPS
After the conferences schedule the German and Korean students took the opportunity to go for a 2 days trip to Berlin to visit Laytech, a company for optical sensors and have ones more a student’s seminar. There Aaron Breivolgel gave a short introduction of the IRTG and his research within the IRTG and Laytech gave a short introduction on its young history followed by a tour through the companies’ research facilities. The next day, the students did a seminar, where they presented the research Labs of there groups. The trip ended with a visit of the Bundestagskuppel followed by a lunch.
Photo: German and Korean students at the Brandenburgertor.
During the conference many lectures were given concerning optoelectronic applications, liquid crystals and self-assembly.
In a poster presentation Ph.D. students gave an introduction to their research. It also gave the chance to exchange information and discuss new approaches and ideas for cooperative projects between the Seoul National University, Hannam University and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Photo: Seoul2013
IRTG meeting in Seoul, South Korea
During the conference many lectures were given concerning optoelectronic applications, liquid crystals and self-assembly.
In a poster presentation Ph.D. students gave an introduction to their research. It also gave the chance to exchange information and discuss new approaches and ideas for cooperative projects between the Seoul National University, Hannam University and Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.