Activities 2011

17.11.2011 - 19.11.2011: International IRTG Symposium on Self-Organized Materials for Optoelectronics

IRTG Meeting in Korea in conjunctur with the PPC 2012,
Jeju ISland, S. Korea


Official website of the PPC2012:  ... 

21.08.2011 - 27.08.2011: Summer school on "Optoelectronics"

Summer school on "Optoelectronics"
Cambridge; UK together with the IMPRS


05.07.2011 - 08.07.2011: 10th IRTG Conference, Mainz

Max-Plack-Institut für Polymerforschung

Ackermannweg 10
55128 Mainz

Program, 10th IRTG Conference

IRTG Group 2011

foto: IRTG Mainz

klick to enlarge

16.01.2011 - 24.01.2011: Korea-Germany IRTG Workshop, Seoul Korea

Program of Korea-Germany IRTG Meeting 2011 in Seoul

Korea-Germany IRTG Meeting 2011 in Seoul

klick to enlarge