This year’s IRTG meeting took place from July 14th to July 18th in Mainz and Freiburg, Germany.
During the meeting, which was mainly organized by the new German stipend speakers Bernd Oschmann and Nils Mohri, current research in the field of optoelectronic and energy storage devices was presented by Professors as well as PhD students participating the IRTG.
In addition visiting the MERCK company, the Fraunhofer-Institute for solar energy systems (ISE) and the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) were additional interesting events.
The conference schedule can be found here.

From the 17th – 22nd February 2014 the IRTG-meeting took place in Daejon (South Korea). At the meeting several outstanding scientists especially from Germany and South Korea presented their current research, newest results and publications.
In addition several students from both, Korean and German sides, presented results which they already achieved during their Ph.D. theses.
The poster presentation, on which IRTG members presented their research, was a perfect chance to discuss problems between the students, find new ideas and start new collaborations.