The final IRTG meeting took place from July 5th to July 9th in Berlin, Germany.
Professors as well as PhD students presented their recent results in the field of optoelectronics, self-assembly and energy storage during five interesting sessions. Beside the members of the IRTG also several invited speakers presented their research which gave the chance to think out of the box and get new ideas for future collaborations and projects. Furthermore, the poster session gave the chance for many scientific discussions.
In addition, social activities like a boat cruise on the spree river gave a chance for further discussions and, even more important, to spend a nice time with our Korean friends.
The conference schedule can be found here.
The IRTG meeting took place in Gonjiam (South Korea) from 04th – 07th of January 2015. The recent research results in the field of optoelectronic and energy storage devices were presented by Professors including invited speakers. The whole conference schedule can be found here.
All the students from both sides also presented their current research during the poster session. It was very good time for discussions regarding collaboration works and next projects between Seoul National University, Hannam University and Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Max Planck Institute for Polymer research.